1 on 1 Style Coaching

Step into a world of personalized style transformation with our exclusive one-on-one styling coaching service. Embark on a journey where your wardrobe dreams become a reality.

Experience the luxury of having a dedicated stylist at your fingertips, guiding you through every step of your style evolution. From revamping your closet to curating the perfect outfits for every occasion, we offer an all-inclusive styling experience tailored just for you.

TBFG will work closely with you to understand your unique personality, preferences, and lifestyle, ensuring that every piece in your wardrobe reflects the true essence of who you are. Through personal shopping adventures and meticulous closet editing sessions, we'll help you discover hidden gems, bid farewell to outdated pieces, and build a collection that speaks volumes about your individuality.

But our service doesn't stop there! We provide you with the essential tools and knowledge to empower you in your future styling endeavors. Learn the art of mixing and matching, uncover insider tips on fashion trends, and master the art of effortlessly creating looks that turn heads. Say goodbye to fashion dilemmas and hello to confidence, sophistication, and style that's uniquely yours!

Elevate your wardrobe, elevate your life with our one-on-one styling coaching service that includes:


  • Shop Your Closet: Between 10-15 outfit ideas created using your very own clothes.

  • Wardrobe Edit: A comprehensive analysis of wardrobe additions, what to keep, donate, consign, or tailor.


  • 4 brand new styled looks.

  • Closet Organization (for in-person sessions)


  • Tips on how to dress for your shape, lifestyle, and budget.

  • Digital Look Book of the looks created from shopping your closet.

Cost of Service: $400.00

The cost of clothing and special clothing vendors is based on your individual budget.